The Bipartisan Committee to Investigate January 6th has done a phenomenal job of gathering information and making recommendations regarding the attack on Our Democracy and the attempted overthrow of Our Government in order for Donald Trump to retain power.

The sworn testimony is being provided by top Republican officials, (many Trump appointed) who had firsthand knowledge of the activities before, during and after, the attempted insurrection.  All indications are that this was premeditated, even prior to the 2020 election.

Trump conspired with others to, recruit, invite, organize, and lead an army of DOMESTIC TERRORISTS in a violent overthrow of Our Nation’s Capital, the “Beacon of Democracy” for the free world.  The scheme was to interfere with and attempt to halt the certification of We The People’s votes in a free and fair election in order to keep Trump in power. 

This attempted coup was multifaceted and widespread throughout the Republican Party involving all 3 branches of Government and reaching down to State and Local Governments.  This, as described in our constitution, was an “ACT OF WAR” against not only Our Government but most importantly, the Citizens of the United States (COTUS). This is another day that will “go down in infamy” in the history of the Our Great Nation. Trump’s insane activity on that day was unprecedented in our history. No one ever did and most likely ever will act upon lunacy as Trump did that day. 

Congress and the DOJ are wrestling with how to handle the criminal actions of a former president.  This “act of war against our nation” is clearly described in our Constitution as TREASON and was originally punishable by DEATH due to the serious nature of these criminal actions

Our Constitution goes on to state that any and all persons participating in the least shall be punished for their role in this treacherous and treasonous attack. Trump was the Commander in Chief of our military at the time.  With this being unprecedented, our government should set precedence by holding a trial for Treason, Seditious Conspiracy Espionage, and dereliction of duty under a Military Tribunal.  This would take all the divisive political rhetoric out.  Nobody would dare doubt the military or attempt to corrupt or bastardize the process. 

President Biden as the current Commander in Chief could and should order this to be done.  General Michael Flynn and any other current or former military personnel should also be tried this way and ultimately stripped of their rank and any benefits or pension that they are receiving from Our Government if found guilty.  No traitors should be allowed to collect a pension from Our Government when they participated in an attempted Coup.  

All non-military participants in this insurrection can be prosecuted through the DOJ and Congress for their crimes.  We must send the most serious message that these actions are unacceptable and will never be tolerated.  We are writing history and protecting Our Democracy for generations to come. 

Future COTUS will look back at these trying times to see what actions were taken by the current generations to preserve this fragile experiment that we call Democracy.

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